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Academic Code of Conduct

Academic Integrity

The University is committed to helping students understand the seriousness of plagiarism, which is defined as the use of the work and ideas of others without proper citation. Students who submit course materials or examination responses that are found to be plagiarized are subject to discipline under the academic code of conduct policy.

Academic Code of Conduct Policy

Thomas Edison State University is committed to maintaining academic quality, excellence and honesty. The University expects all members of its community to share the commitment to academic integrity, an essential component of a quality academic experience.

Thomas Edison State University students are expected to exhibit the highest level of academic citizenship. In particular, students are expected to read and follow all policies, procedures and program information guidelines contained in publications; pursue their learning goals with honesty and integrity; demonstrate that they are progressing satisfactorily and in a timely fashion by meeting course deadlines and following outlined procedures; observe a code of mutual respect in dealing with mentors, staff and other students; behave in a manner consistent with the standards and codes of their professions; keep official records updated regarding changes in name, address, telephone number or email address; and meet financial obligations in a timely manner. Students not practicing good academic citizenship may be subject to disciplinary action including suspension, dismissal or financial holds on records.All members of the community are responsible for reviewing the academic code of conduct policy and behaving in keeping with the stated principles.


The purpose of this policy is to define and advise students of the academic code of conduct, and to identify violations and their consequences. It also provides a hearing and appeal process for students who believe they have been incorrectly accused of violating the standards of academic integrity.


The University considers any violation of this Academic Code of Conduct to be a serious breach of trust that threatens the academic environment of the entire community. Community members are in violation of the Academic Code of Conduct when acts of academic dishonesty occur.

These include, but are not limited to:

  • cheating;
  • fabricating information or citations;
  • falsifying documents;
  • falsifying information about test proctors;
  • forgery;
  • gaining unauthorized access to examinations;
  • making up or changing data for a research project;
  • plagiarizing;
  • submitting your own previously used assignments without prior permission from the mentor;
  • submitting credentials that are false or altered in any way;
  • tampering with the academic work of other students;
  • using words or ideas from others without appropriate attribution;
  • facilitating another student’s academic misconduct; and/or submitting course work or taking an exam for another student;
  • buying or selling of course materials, including exams, test answers and course papers


Acts of both intentional and unintentional plagiarism violate the Academic Code of Conduct. If an incident of plagiarism was an isolated minor oversight or an obvious result of ignorance of proper citation requirements, the mentor may handle the matter as a learning exercise. Appropriate consequences may include the completion of tutorials, assignment rewrites or any other reasonable learning tool, in addition to a lower grade for the assignment or course. The mentor will notify the student and appropriate dean of the consequence by email.

If the plagiarism appears intentional and/or there is more than an isolated incident, the mentor will refer the matter to the appropriate dean. The dean’s office will gather information about the violation(s) from the mentor and student, as necessary to evaluate the matter and determine the appropriate charge and sanction.

Disciplinary Process

Allegations of violations of the Academic Code of Conduct may be initiated by mentors, staff or students enrolled at Thomas Edison State University. Specific allegations of a violation of the Academic Code of Conduct must be submitted in writing to the appropriate dean’s office. In cases of violations that result from inappropriate behavior in courses, the appropriate dean is the dean of the School that offers the course. In all other cases, the appropriate dean is the dean of the School in which the student is enrolled. The dean will review the matter and the student will be notified in writing of the specifics of the charge and the sanction to be imposed. If the student disputes the charge or disagrees with the sanction, the student must submit a written request to the dean for a hearing within ten (10) days of receipt of the notice, or be deemed to have accepted the sanction.

Possible sanctions include:

  • Lower or failing grade for an assignment
  • Lower or failing grade for the course
  • Rescinding credits
  • Rescinding certificates or degrees
  • Recording academic sanctions on the transcript
  • Suspension from the University
  • Dismissal from the University

The University reserves the right to review all credits, degrees and certificates. If any academic misconduct is revealed, those credits, degrees and certificates also may be rescinded. Records of all Academic Code of Conduct violations will be maintained in the student’s file.

In extreme or emergency circumstances, any officer of the University at the vice president or higher level may immediately suspend a student from access to University premises, activities or electronic sites pending disciplinary action. Such action will be reported to the provost and vice president.

A student who is found to have violated the Academic Code of Conduct is permanently ineligible to receive any academic award or honor. This ineligibility extends to any student who receives a grade of ZF for a course.

Student Rights and Responsibilities

The student:

  • Will be notified of the charges against him/her, in writing, prior to the hearing.
  • Will be informed of the evidence upon which a charge is based.
  • Will be given the opportunity to present his/her defense and offer evidence at the hearing.
  • Will receive a written determination of the charges and notifications of any sanctions imposed, in a timely manner.
  • Will be afforded confidentiality throughout the process.
  • Will have the right to waive any of these rights.


If a hearing is requested, such hearing will be convened at Thomas Edison State University, Trenton, N.J., within 21 business days after the request is received by the University. Students unable to travel to Trenton may attend the hearing telephonically via conference call. In these circumstances, every effort will be made to adhere as closely as possible to the procedures further outlined in this section.

  • The student shall have the opportunity to testify and present evidence and witnesses. A list of witnesses and a copy of documents to be presented at the hearing must be submitted to the University at least seven days prior to the hearing.
  • The student may have a nonparticipating advisor present for the proceedings.
  • The committee shall hear and question witnesses.
  • The student may suggest questions for witnesses to the committee.
  • The hearing will be audio recorded. All records and/or audio recordings of the hearing will be kept in the custody of the University. Records or recordings may not be reproduced without the specific authorization of the president of Thomas Edison State University.
  • All expenses incurred by the student and any witness for the student will be borne by the student.
  • If a student (with notice) does not appear at the hearing, the committee shall decide whether to proceed in the student’s absence.
  • An audio recording of the hearing (not deliberations) shall be made and maintained by the University.

The Academic Integrity Committee will review all reports and evidence regarding the misconduct charge and determine the appropriate outcome and decision. A written decision will be issued by the chairperson of the Academic Integrity Committee, within 10 business days of the hearing and will be sent to the student concerned via certified and regular mail.

Appeal Process

The student shall have the opportunity to appeal any decision involving disciplinary action. An appeal must be submitted in writing to the provost and vice president within 10 business days after receipt of the hearing decision of the Academic Integrity Committee. The appeal must specify the grounds on which it is made. Allowable grounds for appeals are limited to the following:

  • Evidence of procedural irregularity
  • Evidence of mitigating circumstances or facts that could not have been presented at the hearing
  • Evidence of undue severity of sanction
  • Evidence of bias on the part of the members of the Academic Integrity Committee
  • Evidence that the decision of the Academic Integrity Committee is arbitrary, capricious or unreasonable and that the evidence does not support the charges

The provost and vice president will issue a decision within 10 business days and may require that the previously imposed sanction be:

  1. Affirmed and executed
  2. Suspended, set-aside or rejected
  3. Modified or adjusted as warranted by circumstance

The decision of the provost and vice president is final.

Toni M. Terry, BA

"I am 67 years old, soon to be 68, and to be able to say I did this at this day in my life is just gratification for my own self."

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