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Undergraduate Course Delivery Options

Course ID Course Title Guided
Study Course
Online Course TECEP® Exam e-Pack® Course
ACC-101 Principles of Financial Accounting check check check check
ACC-102 Principles of Managerial Accounting check check check check
ACC-201 Intermediate Accounting I   check    
ACC-202 Intermediate Accounting II   check    
ACC-303 Cost Accounting   check    
ACC-401 Advanced Accounting I   check    
ACC-402 Advanced Accounting II   check    
ACC-411 Auditing   check    
ACC-415 Advanced Audit   check    
ACC-421 Federal Income Taxation check check check  
ANT-101 Introduction to Anthropology   check    
AOJ-102 Introduction to Criminal Justice   check    
AOJ-280 Forensic Science   check    
AOJ-303 White-Collar Crime   check    
AOJ-381 Victimology and Criminal Behavior   check    
AOJ-484 Public Policy, Crime and Criminal Justice   check    
APS-100 Medical Terminology   check check  
APS-289 Radiation Safety Officer     check  
APS-295 Associate Capstone   check    
APS-302 Customer Service a Practical Approach   check    
APS-400 Occupational Health and Safety   check    
APS-401 Current Trends and Applications   check    
APS-402 Applied Quality Management   check    
ART-100 A World of Art   check    
ART-166 The History of Western Art I check check    
ART-167 The History of Western Art II check check    
AST-101 Introductory Astronomy check check    
AVF-303 Aviation Safety   check    
AVF-472 Airport Management I   check    
AVT-301 Airline Management   check    
AVT-305 Airline Marketing and Customer Service   check    
AVT-306 Crew Resource Management   check    
BIO-101 Introductory Biology   check    
BIO-208 The Science of Nutrition check check check check
BIO-211 Human Anatomy and Physiology I   check    
BIO-212 Human Anatomy and Physiology II   check    
BIO-310 Man's Best Friend: The Biology and Behavior of Dogs   check    
BPS-495 Bachelor of Science in Professional Studies Capstone   check    
BUS-101 Introduction to Business check check    
BUS-161 Business Mathematics check check    
BUS-311 Business in Society     check  
BUS-421 Strategic Management check check check  
CHE-101 Survey of Chemistry   check    
CHE-111 General Chemistry I   check    
CHE-112 General Chemistry II   check    
CHE-121 General Chemistry I with Lab   check    
CHE-122 General Chemistry II with Lab   check    
CHE-128 General Chemistry I Lab   check    
CHE-129 General Chemistry II Lab   check    
CIS-107 Computer Concepts and Applications check check check  
CIS-301 Management Information Systems   check    
CIS-311 Database Management   check    
CIS-320 System Analysis and Design I   check    
CIS-351 Software Engineering   check    
CMP-202 Fundamentals of Information Technology   check    
CMP-354 Network Technology   check check  
COM-120 Introduction to Mass Communications I check check    
COM-121 Introduction to Mass Communications II check check    
COM-209 Public Speaking   check    
COM-210 Public Relations Thought and Practice     check  
COM-265 Communication in the Digital Age   check    
COM-330 Interpersonal Communications   check    
COM-335 Intercultural Communication check check    
COM-339 The Story of Human Language   check    
COS-101 Introduction to Computers check check    
COS-116 C Programming check check    
COS-205 Python Programming   check    
COS-206 R Programming   check    
COS-213 C++ Programming check check    
COS-231 Assembly Language check check    
COS-241 Data Structures check check    
COS-330 Computer Architecture check check    
COS-352 Operating Systems check check    
COS-451 Artificial Intelligence   check    
CTR-211 Electronic Instrumentation and Control check check    
CTR-212 Programmable Logic Controllers   check    
DSI-200 Analyze This! Interpretive Data Analysis   check    
EAS-101 General Earth Science   check    
EAS-131 Introductory Meteorology   check    
EAS-201 The Science of Disasters   check    
ECO-111 Macroeconomics check check    
ECO-112 Microeconomics check check check  
ECO-490 International Economics check check    
EGM-211 Statics   check    
EGM-321 Thermodynamics   check    
EGM-323 Heat Transfer   check    
EGM-331 Fluid Mechanics   check    
ELC-201 Electronic Communication Systems   check    
ELD-302 Digital Electronics   check    
ELD-311 Microprocessors   check    
ELD-400 Advanced Microprocessors   check    
ELE-211 DC Circuits   check    
ELE-212 AC Circuits   check    
ELT-306 Solid State Devices and Circuits   check    
ELT-307 Linear and Integrated Circuits   check    
ELT-308 Industrial Electronics   check    
ELT-490 Electronic Assessment/Career Planning   check    
ELT-495 Electronics Engineering Tech Capstone   check    
ENC-101 English Composition I check check check  
ENC-102 English Composition II check check check  
ENG-201 Technical Writing check check check  
ENG-202 Technical Communication   check    
ENG-298 Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice   check    
ENG-393 One Writer's Vision: Jane Austen   check    
ENS-314 Global Environmental Change check check    
ENS-360 Environmental Sustainability and Social Justice   check    
ETH-210 Environmental Ethics     check  
ETH-230 Ethics in the Digital Age   check    
EUT-302 Gas Combustion   check    
EUT-309 Gas Distribution   check    
EUT-401 Regulatory Policy and Procedures   check    
EUT-402 Applied Economic Analysis   check    
FDR-440 Fundraising for Nonprofits   check    
FIL-110 American Cinema check check    
FIN-301 Principles of Finance check check    
FIN-314 Small Business Finance   check    
FIN-321 Security Analysis and Portfolio Management   check check  
FIN-331 Financial Institutions and Markets   check check  
FIN-334 International Finance   check    
FIN-382 Risk Management   check    
FIT-190 First Aid, CPR, Safety   check    
FIT-211 Kinesiology   check check  
FIT-230 Individual Assessment of Fitness and Wellness   check    
FIT-250 Principles and Programs of Fitness and Wellness   check    
FIT-280 Exercise and Nutrition for Special Populations   check    
GEO-151 Physical Geology check check    
GER-312 Biological Aspects of Aging   check    
GLB-301 Global Issues and Society   check    
GOG-230 World Geography   check    
HEA-305 Women's Health   check    
HEA-306 Men's Health   check    
HIS-101 Western Civilization I check check    
HIS-102 Western Civilization II check check    
HIS-113 American History I check check    
HIS-114 American History II check check    
HIS-126 World History from 1600-PRESENT     check  
HIS-210 American Civil Rights Movement check check    
HIS-235 American Civil War check check    
HIS-261 Introduction to Chinese History and Culture check check    
HIS-301 African History and Culture check check    
HIS-306 African American History   check    
HIS-310 The Middle East   check    
HIS-356 War and American Society check check    
HIS-425 Dialogues on the Experience of War: War and Reintegration   check    
HLS-355 Critical Thinking for Homeland Security   check    
HLS-410 Counterterrorism: Constitutional and Legislative Issues   check    
HLS-420 Homeland Security: Preparedness, Prevention and Deterrence   check    
HLS-429 Protecting the Homeland: Response and Recovery   check    
HLS-498 Homeland Security Capstone   check    
HPS-200 Statistics for the Health Professions   check    
HUM-101 Introduction to the Humanities I: Philosophical Thought   check    
HUM-102 Introduction to the Humanities II: Drama, Poetry and Narrative   check    
HUM-103 Introduction to the Humanities III: Music   check    
HUM-104 Introduction to the Humanities IV: Fine Arts and Architecture   check    
HUS-101 Introduction to Human Services     check  
HUS-295 Associate-Level Human Services Capstone   check    
HUS-495 Bachelor-Level Human Services Capstone   check    
JOU-110 Introduction to News Reporting     check  
JOU-352 News Writing check check    
LAW-201 Business Law check check    
LDR-305 Foundations of Leadership   check    
LDR-324 Leaders in History   check    
LDR-345 Theories of Leadership   check    
LDR-419 Nonprofit Leadership   check    
LDR-422 Leadership in a Global Environment   check    
LDR-435 Leadership Practicum   check    
LIB-312 From Hansel and Gretel to the Hunger Games: An Evolution of Children's and Young Adult Literature   check    
LIB-320 The Music of War and Peace   check    
LIB-342 Online Obsession: Determining and Dealing with Digital Dependency   check    
LIB-360 The Ethics of War and Peace   check    
LIB-495 Liberal Arts Capstone check check    
LIT-202 Literary Roots of Western Culture   check    
LIT-205 American Literature I   check    
LIT-206 American Literature II   check    
LIT-221 Introduction to Children's Literature check check    
LIT-291 Analysis and Interpretation of Literature check check    
LIT-301 Advanced American Literature I   check    
LIT-302 Advanced American Literature II   check    
LIT-331 African Encounters   check    
LIT-460 Non-Western Literature   check    
MAN-230 Introduction to Entrepreneurship   check    
MAN-301 Principles of Management   check   check
MAN-311 Organizational Behavior   check   check
MAN-331 Human Resources Management check check   check
MAN-372 International Management check check    
MAN-373 Managerial Communications check check check  
MAN-376 Leadership Communication   check    
MAN-415 Change Management   check    
MAN-425 Advanced Organizational Management   check    
MAN-432 Small Business Management check check    
MAN-435 Project Management   check    
MAR-301 Introduction to Marketing check check   check
MAR-306 Creating and Implementing the Electronic Enterprise   check    
MAR-310 Principles of Sales   check    
MAR-321 Marketing Communications     check  
MAR-322 Sales Management     check  
MAR-323 Advertising     check  
MAR-335 New Product Development and Marketing   check    
MAR-411 Marketing Research   check    
MAR-441 Marketing with Digital and Social Media   check    
MAR-479 Applied Marketing Practices   check    
MAT-105 Applied Liberal Arts Mathematics   check check  
MAT-115 Intermediate Algebra   check    
MAT-119 Quantitative Business Analysis   check    
MAT-121 College Algebra check check check  
MAT-129 Precalculus for Technology check check    
MAT-231 Calculus I check check    
MAT-232 Calculus II check check    
MAT-270 Discrete Mathematics check check    
MAT-301 History of Mathematics   check    
MAT-321 Linear Algebra   check    
MAT-331 Calculus III   check    
MAT-332 Calculus IV   check    
MAT-351 Mathematical Modeling   check    
MAT-361 College Geometry   check    
MAT-401 Mathematical Logic   check    
MUS-220 Music History I   check    
MUS-221 Music History II   check check  
NEG-401 Negotiations and Conflict Management     check  
NUC-238 Radiation Analysis Lab   check    
NUC-303 Nuclear Physics for Technology   check    
NUC-342 Radiological, Reactor and Environmental Safety   check    
NUC-351 Nuclear Instrumentation and Control   check    
NUC-365 Reactor Fundamentals   check    
NUC-380 Nuclear Rules and Regulations   check    
NUC-402 Nuclear Materials   check    
NUC-412 Radiation Biophysics check check    
NUC-413 Radiation Interactions check check    
NUC-423 Heat Transfer   check    
NUC-490 Nuclear Technology Assessment/Career Planning   check    
NUC-495 Nuclear Energy Engineering Technology Capstone   check    
NUR-320 Introduction to Professional Nursing   check    
NUR-328 Health Assessment and Health Promotion   check    
NUR-342 Advancing Nursing Practice   check    
NUR-400 Nursing Care Across the Lifespan*        
NUR-410 Nursing Care of Vulnerable Populations*        
NUR-418 Research in Nursing   check    
NUR-420 Integrating Advanced Nursing Concepts*        
NUR-428 Leadership and Management in Nursing   check    
NUR-443 Public Health Nursing   check    
NUR-445 Validating Nursing Competence   check    
NUR-516 Advanced Health Assessment   check    
NUR-529 Health Policy   check    
NUR-531 Nursing Informatics: Concepts and Issues   check    
NUR-582 Financial Management in Nursing Practice   check    
OPM-301 Operations Management   check check  
OPM-411 Total Quality Management   check    
OPM-415 Logistics   check    
OPM-420 Supply Chain Management   check    
PHI-130 Introduction to Critical Reasoning   check check  
PHI-286 Contemporary Ethics   check    
PHI-370 Philosophy of Religion   check    
PHI-384 Ethics and the Business Professional check check    
PHI-475 Biomedical Ethics   check    
PHO-101 Introduction to Photography   check    
PHY-111 Physics I   check    
PHY-112 Physics II   check    
PHY-115 Physics I with Lab check check    
PHY-116 Physics II with Lab check check    
PHY-128 Physics I Lab   check    
PHY-129 Physics II Lab   check    
PLA-100 Introduction to Prior Learning Assessment   check    
PLA-200 Introduction to Portfolio Development   check    
POS-101 Introduction to Political Science     check  
POS-110 American Government check check    
POS-282 Introduction to Comparative Politics     check  
POS-310 Constitutional Issues check check    
POS-315 International Relations I   check    
POS-420 Conflict in International Relations   check    
PSG-101 Theoretical Fundamentals of Polysomnography   check    
PSG-102 Instrumentation Theory   check    
PSG-103 Polysomnography Scoring   check    
PSG-104 Sleep Disorders   check    
PSG-105 Clinical Patient Management   check    
PSG-200 Clinical Fundamentals of Polysomnography   check    
PSY-101 Introduction to Psychology check check   check
PSY-211 Developmental Psychology check check   check
PSY-270 Psychology of Women     check  
PSY-300 Thanatology: An Understanding of Death and Dying check check   check
PSY-317 Worlds of Childhood check check    
PSY-322 Research in Experimental Psychology check check   check
PSY-331 Introduction to Counseling check check   check
PSY-350 Abnormal Psychology check check check check
PSY-352 Psychology of Personality   check   check
PSY-360 Organizational Theory check check    
PSY-363 Industrial Psychology       check
PSY-370 Introduction to Social Psychology       check
PYS-374 Physiological Psychology   check    
PSY-379 Social Psychology check check    
PSY-400 History and Systems of Psychology   check    
REL-275 Introduction to Islam   check    
REL-405 World Religions check check    
REL-406 Eastern Religions check check    
REL-407 Western Religions check check    
RPT-260 Radiation Detection and Instrumentation   check    
RPT-270 Introduction to Nuclear Engineering Technology and Radiation Health Physics   check    
RPT-271 Radiation Biology   check    
RPT-275 Introduction to Radiation Generating Devices   check    
RPT-490 Radiation Protection/Health Physics Assessment/Career Planning   check    
RPT-495 Radiation Protection/Health Physics Capstone   check    
SOC-101 Introduction to Sociology check check check check
SOC-210 Marriage and the Family check check check check
SOC-242 Juvenile Delinquency   check    
SOC-291 Criminology   check    
SOC-315 Social Gerontology check check   check
SOC-322 Cultural Diversity in the United States check check    
SOC-361 Complex Organizations check check    
SOC-362 Sociology of Work check check    
SOC-376 Women and Social Action   check    
SOC-384 Gangs   check    
SOC-387 Modern Sociological Foundations   check    
SOC-417 Contemporary Sociological Theory   check    
SOS-110 Critical Information Literacy   check    
SOS-150 Self Assessment and Career Exploration   check    
SOS-304 Drugs and Society check check    
SOS-320 The Management of Stress and Tension   check    
SOS-360 Games People Play: Game Theory in Life, Business and Beyond   check    
SOS-370 Challenges in U.S. and Global Public Health   check    
SOS-425 Deliberative Democracy and Social Action   check    
SOS-440 Terrorism   check    
SOS-450 Ethics in the Social Sciences   check    
SOS-492 Research Methods in Social Sciences   check    
SPA-101 Elementary Spanish I check      
STA-201 Principles of Statistics check check check check

* Classroom-based courses for Accelerated 2nd Degree BSN Program.

Toni M. Terry, BA

"I am 67 years old, soon to be 68, and to be able to say I did this at this day in my life is just gratification for my own self."

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